advcpm.b34 Advanced CP/M for TCJ #34 .h1 = main heading .h2 = secondary heading @I{...} = set in italics Advanced CP/M Extending the Operating System Bridger Mitchell [ the usual sidebar on Bridger] Sooner or later, the CP/M user bumps up hard against the limitations of the operating system and wonders -- can something be done? Yes, CP/M can be enhanced at several levels. .h2 Command Processor Extensions A great deal of effort has been directed to improving the external, command-processing part of CP/M. The "command shell" is readily replaced; it is the most immediately noticed component; and it is can be extended by placing added code in files that can be manipulated by the existing system. Z3PLUS, NZ-COM, and ZCPR34 are the latest achievements at this level; they both replace the command processor and provide well-defined resident buffers for communication between successive tasks. There have been a number of other replacement command processors, such as CNIX, CONIX, and QPM. .h2 BDOS and BIOS extensions The next level of extension is adding new operating system functions -- extra BDOS calls. CP/M Plus provides a particularly convenient method, called a Resident System Extension (RSX), for adding such capabilities. Under CP/M Plus, an RSX can be attached to a program that need extended services and loaded automatically along with the original program. It is rather easy to modify existing BDOS functions, for example, to keep statistics on the frequency with which key files are accessed. More elaborate RSXs have been developed for CP/M Plus to emulate the CP/M 2.2 BIOS file functions so that programs that make direct BIOS calls can run under CP/M Plus by attaching the necessary RSX but leaving the program itself unchanged. The most complex CP/M Plus RSX is the brand-new Z3PLUS system. Within the single RSX are the ZCPR34 command processor and program and RSX loader, the Z-System buffers for named directories, resident commands, messages, command line, file control block, and environment descriptor. However, more basic changes to CP/M 2.2, such as adding time and datestamping or redirection of console and printer services, are much more difficult. They are necessarily inner extensions to CP/M and require intimate knowledge of the BDOS and BIOS. Another area that frequently needs extension is an interface to the hardware. The original BIOS may provide for only a limited number of disk formats. Function keys that transmit escape sequences may need to be timed and mapped into defined character strings. Printers could need character translation tables to generate control sequences or foreign characters. These system extensions are primarily BIOS modifications. The most extensive extension of CP/M 2.2, and the most complex piece of software I have ever written, is BackGrounder ii. It is installed as an RSX that makes extensive modifications to selected BIOS and BDOS functions, replaces the command processor, and adds virtual swapping memory to the basic system. The result is effectively @I(two) virtual CP/M computers on one machine, with user-controlled ability to switch between two running programs at any time, and to preserve the exact screen display of each on most terminals. .h2 RSXs for CP/M 2.2 An RSX is not necessarily the first, or the best, choice for adding capability to a computer system. The operating system can be extended by rewriting the BIOS (provided the source code is still available!). This is the most fundamental approach. Specific to one computer, it is permanent and totally non-portable. The system can be extended for only a single application, as when a program is run by first loading a debugger. Quick and dirty, this approach is sometimes useful for temporarily modifying system behavior or pre-testing a more permanent approach. A resident system extension is a versatile, intermediate approach. An RSX can be installed and left in place to extend the system for as long as it is needed, then removed to restore the original system and full memory. If well designed, it can be quite portable. It can be used to add both BDOS and BIOS features to the vanilla CP/M 2.2 system. And several RSXs can be used together to combine system power. In this issue's column I discuss System Extensions that modify the behavior of the BDOS and/or BIOS. Because these services must essentially be available at all times (whenever a BDOS or BIOS call is made), the extension code must be _resident_. This is unlike extensions of the command processor, which can be reloaded from the system tracks (or from a file) when a new command is ready for processing. I will limit the examples to extensions for the CP/M 2.2 operating system (and its clones). CP/M Plus already includes RSX capability for BDOS (but not BIOS) extensions and it also includes provision for character-device redirection (so that, for example, the printer output can be diverted into a file). The basic ideas, however, carry over to CP/M Plus. Indeed, I have used them effectively in implementing both Z3PLUS and DosDisk on CP/M Plus computers. .h2 No Free Lunch Although smart coding and clever uses of the RSX concept can greatly extend the vanilla CP/M system, there are limits imposed by a 64K address space Z-80 operating system. As I was preparing this column a potential DosDisk customer called, hoping that DosDisk would let him run Lotus 1-2-3 on his Z-80 computer with 8 inch disks! I trust that anyone who has read this far has somewhat more modest expectations. .h1 The Conventional CP/M 2.2 System In the remainder of this column I will describe how an RSX modifies the conventional memory map and flow of control, using a standard RSX header data structure. We will then turn to a complete example. In order to see how RSXs fit into the CP/M 2.2 system, let's first review a few key points about a "vanilla" system. The end of the TPA (transient program area), the memory available to application programs, is specified by the address stored on page-zero at location 0006. Initially, that value is the address of the entry to the BDOS, and a "call 5" instruction will jump directly to the BDOS. Beginning at the address whose value is stored at 0006, memory is said to be "protected" -- it is not available to applications, and data and code in that area should remain "resident" from one application to the next. The command processor is assembled or linked to be loaded in the top 2K of the TPA memory. The command processor is not resident, and that 2K of memory is available to applications. Therefore, on each warm-boot -- a jump or call to 0000 -- the BIOS reads a fresh copy of the command processor into high memory. (It may also read in a fresh copy of the BDOS, depending on the implementation in the BIOS.) Figure 1 shows the essential flow of control. The address at 0006 is "bdos+6", the entry to the BDOS, and the TPA extends from 100h to bdos+5. A jump to 0000 vectors to "bios+3", which jumps to "bioswb", the BIOS warm-boot routine. That routine reloads the command processor, installs fresh values of "bios+3" and "bdos+6" at 0001 and 0006, and then jumps to the command processor entry "ccp+3" to process the next command. .h1 The Standard RSX Header In order to insert a resident extension into this scheme we must deal with memory management, BDOS and BIOS calls, provide for removal of the RSX when it is no longer needed, and anticipate the loading of other RSXs while this one is active. In addition to being intrinsically complex, implementing all of this is tedious and error-prone. Several years ago, to provide a standard approach, I established a Plu*Perfect Systems RSX header -- a uniform data structure at the beginning of every RSX -- to permit several RSXs to coexist peacefully. And for this column I extended JetLDR to recognize a relocatable RSX module in named-common ZRL relocatable format and load it automatically. The header (Figure 2) begins with three jumps to routines in the RSX -- to the BDOS intercept routine "rsxstart", to the warm-boot intercept routine "rsxwb", and to the removal routine "rsxremove". Next come three addresses. First, "rsxwba" is the address of the (original) BIOS warmboot vector which is used to, hopefully, correct the problems created by programs that erroneously change the contents of 0001. The second word is the "protect" address, the lowest byte in the RSX that must be in protected memory. This is followed by the address of the nul-terminated ascii name of the RSX. Two jumps and a final word complete the header. The chain of a warm-boot (jump 0000) flows through "rsxnext", which points to either the next-higher RSX, or to the command processor entry. Similarly, the call BDOS chain flows through "next", which points to either the next-higher RSX, or to the BDOS entry. The final item, "nextwb" holds the address from the BIOS warm-boot vector at the time the RSX is loaded, so that it can be restored by the remove routine. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2. Standard RSX Header rsx: jp rsxstart ; BDOS intercept ; 00 jp rsxwb ; warm-boot intercept ; +03 jp rsxremove ; remove-rsx entry ; +06 rsxwba: dw $-$ ; original 0001 value ; +09 rsxprot:dw rsx ; lowest rsx address ; +0B dw rsxname ; -> rsx name ; +0D rsxnext:jp $-$ ; -> next wb or ccp entry ; +0F ; next: jp $-$ ; -> next rsx or bdos ; +12 nextwb: dw $-$ ; original bios+4 addr ; +15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- .h1 Adding an RSX to Memory In order to add an RSX to a running system, we must arrange to - allocate sufficient memory for the RSX - deduct that memory from the available TPA, so that an application will not attempt to use the memory occupied by the RSX - prevent the BIOS from undoing the memory allocation at the next warm-boot We will locate the RSX in high memory, immediately below the command processor -- see Figure 3. To do this, we change the value at 0006 to point to the first byte of the RSX, and arrange to have a jump instruction there that (eventually) causes control to enter the BDOS (this is the initial jump in the standard RSX header). The TPA is now reduced to the area 100h to "rsx1-1". To keep the BIOS routine "bioswb" from undoing our handiwork by resetting the value of 0006, we must either modify the "bioswb" routine, get control back @I{after} that routine has completed, or prevent it from executing. Prevention is the only portable solution; and it must be done intelligently. .h2 The System Loadstone The "obvious" method of bypassing the warm-boot routine is to change the address at 0001 to point to a copy of the (modified) BIOS jump table located in the RSX. However, this would be fundamentally wrong, because this is the @I{one} address in the CP/M system that must remain fixed. Why? Consider what will happen when a second RSX is being loaded. It will be unable to locate the BIOS and therefore cannot correctly intercept BIOS functions! @I{The warm-boot address at 0001 should never be altered!} It is the one fixed point, the lodestone, of the entire CP/M system. Instead, the warm-boot chain should be intercepted at the BIOS vector (at bios+4) and redirected to the RSX from that point. Unfortunately, this absolutely essential role of 0001 has apparently not been widely understood. Both Digital Research (in XSUB) -- the designers of CP/M! -- and MicroPro (in the WordStar "R" command) occasionally commit the error of changing 0001, and their mistakes have been perpetuated by several public-domain programs as well. Figure 3 shows a correctly modified warm-boot chain with the RSX installed. At 0000, control continues to jump to the BIOS, where it is @I(then) redirected to "rsx1+3" and then to the RSX's warm-boot routine. Eventually, control flows to the copy of the command processor that is already in memory, bypassing the bios warmboot routine and without reloading the command processor. We will cover the details of the RSX warmboot routine in the example below. .h2 A Second RSX Adding a second RSX is similar to loading the first one (see Figure 4) and involves splicing the new RSX into the BDOS and warmboot chains. Memory is allocated below the first RSX, 0006 is redirected to the head of rsx2 where BDOS calls are intercepted and eventually vectored to rsx1. The warm-boot intercept at bios+4 is redirected to rsx2+3, which eventually vectors to rsx1's warmboot routine. .h2 Removing an RSX The standard RSX header includes an entry that is called to remove the routine. It deallocates the RSX's memory and removes itself from the BDOS and warm-boot chains. It also removes its BIOS intercepts, if any. If there is more than one RSX in memory, the lowest one must be removed first, to ensure that the addresses (or data) that are restored are correct. Each RSX's remove routine first determines that it is, in fact, lowest before executing the rest of the removal code. The standard header anticipates that most RSXs will be self-removing, provided that they are the bottom RSX when the remove entrypoint is called. However, some RSXs, such as DateStamper and DosDisk, make extensive modifications to the BIOS and BDOS. A good deal of additional code and data would have to be resident in the RSX for these RSX's to be self removing. Therefore, these RSXs are removed by their own customized loaders. If the remove entrypoint is called by any other program it will do nothing except to return the carry flag clear, indicating that the RSX has not been removed. .h1 OKDRIVES, or, Who's On Line? This is the third Advanced CP/M column, and by now some readers will have anticipated my penchant for turning to an actual application to illustrate the technical subject at hand. This example grew out of a conversation with Ben Grey, who was seeking a general-purpose method of limiting access to certain drives on a remote system. Many users have computers with a mix of actual and "missing" logical drives. For example, A: and B: might be floppies and M: a ram disk. How can an application program determine whether it should attempt to use a particular drive? Simply trying to select the drive with a BDOS call is playing Russian roulette. If the drive is invalid, or doesn't exist, the BDOS will complain with an error message and terminate the application with extreme prejudice -- an abrupt warm-boot. ZCPR34 allows the user to specify a vector of valid drives, stored in the Z-System extended external environment at offset 34h. The ZCPR34 command processor tests this vector before attempting to log in a drive, and the same test can be made by an application once it determines that it is indeed running in a system with an extended external environment. The extensions are listed in my previous Advanced CP/M column. Frequently, however, the programmer wants his application to run smoothly on other CP/M systems that aren't (yet) running ZCPR34. And users occasionally need a method of taking an erratic drive "off line" for maintenance. Is there a general, portable method of (1) determining which drives are currently available? and (2) making individual drives inaccessible? OKDRIVES in Figure 5 is one method of dealing with this challenge. It is a small RSX that maintains a vector of valid drives and monitors all BIOS disk-select calls. If a drive is selected that is not in the vector, it returns a select error. Otherwise, it allows the BIOS to select the drive. In order to set and change the list of valid drives, the RSX adds one BDOS function to the system. That function call serves the dual purpose of setting the valid (and invalid) drives, and reporting what the current setting is. .h2 Structure of the RSX OKDRIVES is written to be assembled into a ZRL (Z-ReLocatable) file and loaded with JetLDR, which I also described in the previous column. The RSX is made up of the standard RSX header, custom code to perform the operations on the valid-drives vector, and an initialization section. I have written the RSX in a quasi-modular fashion, so that almost all of the tedious code to install and remove the RSX can be copied in a few blocks and reused in any other RSX. This RSX uses one extended BDOS function number -- 241. When the RSX has been installed and the BDOS is called with this function number, it will set a new vector of valid drives (if DE is non-zero), or report the current vector (when DE is zero). For example, to make drives A:, B: and D: valid, call the BDOS with C = 241, DE = 11 = 1011b. The RSX must have a module name of the form "RSX...", so that JetLDR can identify it. Following that, the standard header begins the code segment at label "rsx:". Next come the unique data and code for this RSX, beginning with its nul-terminated ascii name and the vector of valid drives. The static value of the vector is assembled with all drives enabled. The action begins at "rsxstart". Every BDOS call is intercepted here and tested for this RSX's function number. Most of the time, it will be some other function, and so control jumps to "next" -- and then on to either an RSX immediately above this one, or the BDOS. However, when the function number is for this RSX, the routine proceeds to test DE for zero and either load the valid-drives vector into HL, or set the vector to the value in DE. In either case, the RSX returns to the caller. That's all there is to the added BDOS function. But to make it work, the RSX must also intercept the BIOS select-disk routine, at "rsxseldsk". The code checks the requested drive number against the valid-drives vector, using a simple loop that does a 16-bit left shift into the carry flag. If the drive is not active, it returns the BIOS select error (HL = 0). Otherwise, it continues to the BIOS select-disk routine. .h2 Housekeeping Code These two routines -- "rsxstart" and "rsxseldsk" -- do all of the work; the rest is necessary housekeeping. The initialization code is needed only to verify conditions and set up the RSX, so it is assembled, beginning at label "init" in the _INIT_ named-common address space. JetLDR will relocate this code into a working buffer in low memory and execute it there; it takes up no space in the resident system extension. JetLDR relocates the code segment of the RSX, allocating space for it immediately below the command processor or the lowest RSX already in memory. Initialization involves verifying that the RSX can be correctly loaded, linking the rsx into both the warm-boot and BDOS call chains, and installing any additional BIOS intercepts needed for this particular RSX. The "initlp" code checks each RSX in memory, beginning with the lowest, to see if an RSX with the same name is already in memory. If so, it (indirectly) calls the routine "custom_twin". This routine can accept, or reject a duplicate RSX; for OKDRIVES a duplicate RSX would be an error. Provided no duplicate RSX has caused termination, the search eventually reaches the end of the RSX warmboot chain. If there is no RSX currently in memory, then the "rsxnext" address is set to the ccp entry. However, if one or more RSXs are already resident, the address is set to the warmboot address in the header of the currently lowest RSX. Next, the RSX's warmboot routine is linked into the BIOS's warmboot chain, and the RSX's BDOS entry is linked into the chain that begins on page-0 with the jump instruction at 0005. The final initialization step is to call "custom_init". For this particular RSX, that code links the select-disk intercept routine into the BIOS jump table. Now, look back at the "rsxremove" routine. It is in the code segment, because the remove function must be resident within the RSX. It first calls "custom_remove", to take care of unlinking the BIOS select-disk intercept. Then it unlinks the warmboot intercept and exits with the carry flag set to signal successful removal of the RSX. There is one more step to unlinking the RSX. When the next warm boot occurs, it will be processed by the RSX immediately above this one, or, if there is none, by the BIOS. In either case, that routine will set a new "protect" address on page-zero at 0006. Of course, this RSX must have an essentially similar routine; it is at "rsxwb". It first calls "fix0001", a precaution that ensures the correctness of the pointer at 0001 to the actual BIOS jump vector. Next, it determines whether this RSX is, in fact, the lowest RSX in memory; it does this by checking the BIOS jump's address against the RSX address. Only if it is indeed the lowest does it set the protect address on page-zero. Finally, it jumps to the next higher RSX, taking care to first load the current drive/user byte into C, in case the next "rsx" is in fact the command processor. The details of managing the two linked lists -- one pointing upward to higher RSXs, the other pointing initially downward from the BIOS and then to successively higher RSX's -- @I{are} tedious, but necessary. But now, with JetLDR, most of the work can be avoided, and only the particular, custom elements of an RSX need to be specially coded. .h1 Extending System Extensions As the wag said, "I like standards, because there are so many to choose from!" The Plu*Perfect Systems RSX header is just one way to add resident extensions to CP/M 2.2. But it is well tested, provides for BIOS as well as BDOS system extensions, and takes care to be compatible with other RSXs. I have used these RSX structures in BackGrounder ii -- as well as its spooler, printer redefinition module, and secure memory allocator -- in DateStamper, and in DosDisk, achieving a high degree of compatibility between them. More recently, Carson Wilson, Joe Wright and others have adopted the Plu*Perfect Systems header structure to add such extensions as quad-density disk drivers to a BIOS and resident conditional-execution processing (IF.COM) to ZCPR34. This experience shows that a uniform RSX header can, indeed, allow diverse programs and applications to work together. Several older programs, including versions of BYE for remote operation of a CP/M system, and ZEX for in-memory submit processing could be revised to use this interface, so that other RSXs could be run while those extensions are active. In a CP/M 2.2 system that includes additional memory, it is possible to make system extensions "resident" without subtracting from scarce memory for applications. Malcom Kemp has pioneered this approach, called Banked System Extensions, by defining a similar BSX header and providing loading/removal service in the XBIOS system for the SB180 and SB180/FX computers. I developed both a banked-memory DateStamper and a DosDisk for this system. In fact, I am completing this column on an XBIOS system with banked DateStamping and a DOS disk in drive C:, with no loss of TPA! The next time you wish your computer had some missing capability, consider whether it might be added as an RSX. Those features may already be available in products such as DosDisk, BackGrounder ii, or Z3PLUS. If not, you may be able to code the routines yourself and bring your system to new levels of performance and versatility. Fig. 1 CONVENTIONAL MEMORY MAP 0000: jp bios+3 --->----------------------->----------------------------* 0005: jp bdos+6 --->* ccp+3: *-> bios+3: jp bioswb * --------------------->---------------> bdos+6: ... bioswb: ... jp ccp+3 0100: tpa, to bdos+5 Fig 3. MEMORY MAP WITH ONE RSX *-->------------------------>----------------------->---* 0000: jp bios+3-* *-----------------<-----------------------<---+------------------<---* 0005: jp rsx1 ----------+> rsx1: jp entry1 *-> ccp+3: *--> bios+3: jp rsx1+3-* *--> +3: jp rsx1wb / *-> bdos+6: 0100: tpa, to rsx1-1 ... / / +F: jp ccp+3-* / next1: jp bdos+6 ---------* rsx1wb: ... jp rsx+F entry1: ... jp next1 Fig. 4 MEMORY MAP WITH TWO RSXs *-->------------------------->---------------------------------------->---* 0000: jp bios+3 * *------------------<----------------------------------------<---+------------------<---* 0005: jp rsx2 ----------+> rsx2: jp entry2 rsx1: jp entry1 *-> ccp+3: *--> bios+3: jp rsx2+3-* *--> +3: jp rsx2wb *->+3: jp rsx1wb / *-> bdos+6: 0100: tpa, to rsx2-1 ... / ... / / +F: jp rsx1+3--* +F: jp ccp+3-* / next2: jp rsx1 next1: jp bdos+6 ---------* rsx2wb: ... rsx1wb: ... jp rsx2+F jp rsx1+F entry2: ... entry1: ... jp next2 jp next1 Here, the labels "ccp", "bios", and "bdos" refer to the base address of the corresponding CP/M operating system segment. The entry to the bdos is at bdos+6; don't confuse it with the common equate for the page-zero vector: "bdos equ 0005". Figure 5 title okdrives.asm 6/25/88 (c) 1988 Bridger Mitchell ; ; ; This rsx sets the vector of valid drives allowed by the bios. ; If called with de == 0, it returns the current valid-drives vector. ; ; usage to set valid drives: ; ; ld c,DRIVEFN ; ld de, ; bit 0 = A:, ..., bit 15 = P: ; call 5 ; ; usage to determine currently-valid drives: ; ; ld c,DRIVEFN ; ld de,0000 ; call 5 ; ; ; We need an extended bdos function number. ; DRIVEFN equ 241 ; 0F1h ABORT equ 0ffh ; ; ; Name the REL image with "RSX" plus 0-3 characters of identification. ; In this case, we've used the rsx's bdos function number (241). name RSX241 ;"RSX" required ; ; All of the code within the bracketed regions is the same for any rsx ; loaded by JetLDR. It can be copied intact when creating a different rsx. ; ; *---------- Plu*Perfect Systems RSX Extended Header----------------* ;/ \ ; ; The rsx code goes in the CSEG (code segment). ; CSEG rsx: jp rsxstart ; 00 jp rsxwb ; +03 jp rsxremove ; +06 rsxwba: dw $-$ ; +09 rsxprot:dw rsx ; +0B dw rsxname ; +0D rsxnext:jp $-$ ; -> next wb or ccp entry ; +0F ; next: jp $-$ ; -> next rsx or bdos ; +12 nextwb: dw $-$ ; +15 ;\ / ; *-----------------------------------------------------------------* ; ; ; The custom code for this rsx begins here. ; ; rsxname:db 'OKDRIVES',0 ; nul-terminated name of rsx. ; vector: dw 1111111111111111b ; <-- set bits for valid drives ; PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ; <-- must be terminated by 'B' char. ; ; ; This RSX's bdos function. ; ; enter: c = DRIVEFN ; de == 0 to get current ok-drives vector ; de != 0 to set the current vector to de ; return: ; hl = vector of ok drives ; rsxstart: ld a,c cp DRIVEFN ; if not our function jr nz,next ; .. on to the next rsx/bdos ld a,e ; set vector? or d jr nz,set ; ..yes get: ld hl,(vector) ; no, return the drive vector in hl ld a,l ; return a != 0 ret ; set: ex de,hl set 0,l ; ensure drive A: always valid ld (vector),hl ; save the new drive vector ld a,l ; and return it in hl ret ; ; The bios seldsk intercept ; ; enter: c = requested drive ; exit: hl == 0 if drive not allowed ; else continue to bios seldsk ; rsxseldsk: ld hl,(vector) ; shift ok-drives vector left ld a,16 sub c rsxs1: add hl,hl dec a jr nz,rsxs1 ld hl,0000 ; prime error return ret nc ; NC if bit wasn't set jseldsk:jp $-$ ; jmp to bios seldsk routine ; ; ; Restore this rsx's particular patches. ; custom_remove: ld hl,(jseldsk+1) ; restore bseldsk address ld (bios+1ch),hl ; to bios jmp vector ret ; ; *---------------- Standard RSX Code -----------------------------* ;/ \ ; ; The warm-boot intercept. ; rsxwb: .new call fix0001 ; ensure correct page 0 ld hl,(bios+4) ; does bios wb addr ld de,rsx+3 ; point at us? or a sbc hl,de jr nz,rsxwb1 ; no, we're not the bottom rsx ld hl,(rsxprot) ; we are, set our protect address ld (0006),hl rsxwb1: ld bc,(0004h) ; get c = logged du for ccp jp rsxnext ; in case we're top rsx ; ; ; The removal routine. ; rsxremove: call custom_remove ; do extra restoration for this rsx ; ld hl,(nextwb) ; get saved original warmboot addr ld (bios+4),hl ; and restore it to bios jmp vector ; ; When the caller terminates to a warmboot, ; the next module (or bios, if none), will correct 0006. ; ; Set CY flag to inform the removal tool that this routine ; has indeed taken action. (Some RSX's are not self-removing). ; fix0001:ld hl,(rsxwba) ; restore (0001) in case an errant ld (0001h),hl ; application has tampered with it scf ; set CY to signal success ret ; ; ; Before loading an RSX, JetLDR will first check for protected memory. ; If it detects that memory is protected by a non-RSX header (e.g. a debugger) ; it will cancel the load. Otherwise, JetLDR will call any ; code in the _INIT_ named common, after the rsx module has been ; loaded and relocated. This code will be located in non-protected ; memory, and takes no space in the RSX. ; ; Return parameter: A = 0 indicates a good installation ; A = ABORT = 0FFh = not installed ; common /_INIT_/ ; ; Install the rsx. This code is standard for all rsx's, ; except for: ; custom_init ; custom_twin ; init: ld hl,(0006) ; hl = possible rsx, or bdos ld c,0 ; initialize count of rsx's ; initlp: push hl ; stack (possible) rsx base address ld de,09 ; if candidate is an rsx add hl,de ; ..the wbaddr will be here ld e,(hl) ; get address inc hl ld d,(hl) ld hl,(0001) ; and compare or a sbc hl,de pop hl jr nz,inittop ; warmboot addr not there, stop looking ; ; we have an rsx in memory, is it our twin? ; inc c ; count an rsx found push hl call ckname pop hl jr z,twin ; ld de,0Fh+1 ; that rsx was't a twin, check for more add hl,de ; get addr of next rsx's wboot jmp ld a,(hl) inc hl ld h,(hl) ld l,a dec hl ; back up to head of that next rsx dec hl dec hl jr initlp ; now check that rsx ; ; we're at the top of the (possibly empty) rsx chain ; inittop: inc c ; any rsx's found? dec c ld hl,ccp+3 ; prepare to use ccp entry address jr z,setnext ; ; ld hl,(0006) ; yes, use bottom rsx's address ; setnext: ld (rsxnext+1),hl ; save the next addr ; in the rsx chain to bdos/ccp ; ; install the rsx into the running system ; ld hl,(bios+4) ; save the bios's wb addr ld (nextwb),hl ; in the header ld hl,rsx+3 ; point the bios wb jump ld (bios+4),hl ; at the rsx wb vector ld hl,bios+3 ; store wb addr ld (rsx+09),hl ; in rsx header word ld hl,(0006) ; get addr of next rsx or bdos ld (next+1),hl ; and install it ld hl,rsx ; finally, protect the rsx ld (0006),hl ; call custom_init ; take care of extras ret ; ckname: ld de,0dh ; offset to candidate rsx name pointer add hl,de ld a,(hl) ; get address inc hl ld h,(hl) ld l,a ld de,rsxname ; compare to our name ckname1:ld a,(de) cp (hl) ret nz inc (hl) ; candidate must be nul-terminated dec (hl) jr nz,ckname2 or a ; our same byte ret ckname2:inc hl inc de jr ckname1 ; ; Handle the case of a previously-loaded copy of this RSX. ; twin: call custom_twin ret ;\ / ; *-----------------------------------------------------------------* ; ; Custom initialization code goes here. ; ; ; Do the particular patches for this RSX. ; Note: this code is in the _INIT_ segment. custom_init: ld hl,(bios+1ch) ; get bseldsk address ld (jseldsk+1),hl ; install it in rsx ; ld hl,rsxseldsk ; divert bios jump ld (bios+1ch),hl ; to the rsx ret ; ; This particular rsx should not be duplicated. ; A different rsx might wish to query the user here, ; print a warning, or whatever. ; custom_twin: ld a,ABORT ret ; ; Include identification info in the REL image. ; JetLDR will display the bytes up to the first NUL byte ; when the RSX is loaded. ; ; common /_ID_/ ; db 'OKDRIVES: RSX prevents bios logins' db 13,10 db 'Use BDOS function 241 (0F1h) to set de = drive vector',0 ; ; Include whatever other named-commons are needed for this RSX. ; JetLDR will resolve these labels for us. ; common /_BIOS_/ bios equ $ common /_CCP_/ ccp equ $ end ;okdrives.asm