.. PCPMAN.MEX (04/14/90) .. This subroutine script handles the manual entry of data for a destination .. RAS. The following data must be returned: .. .. B baud rate code ("12" or "24") .. D PCP city code .. E telephone number .. F system name .. %a area code requested .. %c city number .. See if there is usable call data already defined. If so, the user will be .. given the option of using it (in case this is a second attempt to make the .. same manual call). Otherwise, we will skip that menu and go directly to .. the data input menus. GOTO START .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. Subroutines (placed at beginning for speed) .. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. This subroutine is passed the city number in scratch variable %d and .. returns the name of the city in string variable A. PROC CITYNAME if %d=1 A="Atlanta, GA";ENDP if %d=2 A="Boston, MA";ENDP if %d=3 A="Chicago, IL";ENDP if %d=4 A="Cleveland, OH";ENDP if %d=5 A="Colton, CA";ENDP if %d=6 A="Dallas, TX";ENDP if %d=7 A="Denver, CO";ENDP if %d=8 A="Detroit, MI";ENDP if %d=9 A="Glendale, CA";ENDP if %d=10 A="Hartford, CT";ENDP if %d=11 A="Houston, TX";ENDP if %d=12 A="Kansas City, MO";ENDP if %d=13 A="Los Angeles, CA";ENDP if %d=14 A="Miami, FL";ENDP if %d=15 A="Milwaukee, WI";ENDP if %d=16 A="Minneapolis, MN";ENDP if %d=17 A="Newark, NJ";ENDP if %d=18 A="New York, NY";ENDP if %d=19 A="Oakland, CA";ENDP if %d=20 A="Palo Alto, CA";ENDP if %d=21 A="Philadelphia, PA";ENDP if %d=22 A="Phoenix, AZ";ENDP if %d=23 A="Portland, OR";ENDP if %d=24 A="Res Tri Park, NC";ENDP if %d=25 A="Sacramento, CA";ENDP if %d=26 A="Salt Lake City, UT";ENDP if %d=27 A="San Diego, CA";ENDP if %d=28 A="San Francisco, CA";ENDP if %d=29 A="San Jose, CA";ENDP if %d=30 A="Santa Ana, CA";ENDP if %d=31 A="Seattle, WA";ENDP if %d=32 A="St. Louis, MO";ENDP if %d=33 A="Tampa, FL";ENDP if %d=34 A="Washington, DC";ENDP A="Unknown City" ENDP .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. This subroutine takes the city code in %d and sets the PCP city code into .. string variable C, the main area code into variable %f, and any additional .. area code into %g. Variable %h is set to 1 if a "1" prefix is required. PROC PCPCODE .. initialize %f=0;. no main area code %g=0;. no alternate area code %h=0;. no "1" prefix needed C=" ";. no city code if %d=1 C="GAATL";%f=404;ENDP if %d=2 C="MABOS";%f=617;ENDP if %d=3 C="ILCHI";%f=312;%g=815;%h=1;F="815";ENDP if %d=4 C="OHCLE";%f=216;ENDP if %d=5 C="CACOL";%f=714;ENDP if %d=6 C="TXDAL";%f=214;%g=817;F="817";ENDP if %d=7 C="CODEN";%f=303;ENDP if %d=8 C="MIDET";%f=313;ENDP if %d=9 C="CAGLE";%f=818;ENDP if %d=10 C="CTHAR";%f=203;ENDP if %d=11 C="TXHOU";%f=713;ENDP if %d=12 C="MOKCI";%f=816;%g=913;F="913";ENDP if %d=13 C="CALAN";%f=213;ENDP if %d=14 C="FLMIA";%f=305;ENDP if %d=15 C="WIMIL";%f=414;ENDP if %d=16 C="MNMIN";%f=612;ENDP if %d=17 C="NJNEW";%f=201;ENDP if %d=18 C="NYNYO";%f=212;%g=718;%h=1;F="718";ENDP if %d=19 C="CAOAK";%f=415;ENDP if %d=20 C="CAPAL";%f=415;%g=408;F="408";ENDP if %d=21 C="PAPHI";%f=215;ENDP if %d=22 C="AZPHO";%f=602;ENDP if %d=23 C="ORPOR";%f=503;ENDP if %d=24 C="NCRTP";%f=919;ENDP if %d=25 C="CASAC";%f=916;ENDP if %d=26 C="UTSLC";%f=801;ENDP if %d=27 C="CASDI";%f=619;ENDP if %d=28 C="CASFA";%f=415;ENDP if %d=29 C="CASJO";%f=408;%g=415;F="415";ENDP if %d=30 C="CASAN";%f=714;ENDP if %d=31 C="WASEA";%f=206;ENDP if %d=32 C="MOSLO";%f=314;%g=618;%h=1;F="618";ENDP if %d=33 C="FLTAM";%f=813;ENDP if %d=34 C="DCWAS";%f=202 ENDP .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. Main Code .. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL START C=D;. set temporary city code to current value if %c=0 GOTO SETCITY comp C " ";if value=1 GOTO SETCITY comp E " ";if value=1 GOTO SETCITY screen on .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. Ask About Entering New RAS Data .. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cls %d=%c;. convert city code into city name in A GOSUB CITYNAME box 1 5 15 50 @ 3 19 say "Manual Call Entry" @ 5 10 say "1. use current data" @ 6 15 say "System Name: ",F @ 7 15 say "City: ",A @ 8 15 say "PCP City Code: ",C @ 9 15 say "Data Rate: ",%b if %n>0 say " AUTO" @ 10 15 say "Area Code: ",%a @ 11 15 say "Phone Number: ",E @ 13 10 say "2. enter new RAS data" @ 17 1 say "Enter selection (or 0 to return to main menu):" LABEL ASKMODE @ 17 48 say " " @ 17 48 input if value=3 %m=100;READ PCPMENU if value=1 GOTO MAKECALL if value<>2 bell 1;GOTO ASKMODE .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. Get PCP Outdial City Code .. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL SETCITY cls box 1 1 18 79 if %p=0 @ 3 28 say "PC-Pursuit City Choices" else %d=%p GOSUB CITYNAME;. get current city name into A @ 3 10 say "PC-Pursuit Cities (Currently Connected to ",A,")" endif %x=1;. starting city number LABEL COLUMN %d=%x GOSUB CITYNAME %y=4;%w=%x+4 if %x<10 %y=5 if %x>12 %y=28;%w=%x-8 if %x>24 %y=52;%w=%x-20 @ %w %y say %x,". ",A %x=%x+1 if %x<35 GOTO COLUMN @ 20 5 say "City code selection (or 0 to return to main menu):" LABEL ASKCITY @ 20 56 say " " @ 20 56 input;%c=value if %c=0 %m=100;READ PCPMENU;. return to main menu %d=%c;GOSUB PCPCODE;. set PCP code and area code data if %c=%p GOTO SETPHONE;. if already connected, skip baud query .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. Get baud rate to use if a new city is specified. .. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL SETBPS cls box 5 5 13 54 @ 7 10 say "Data rate to use for new city (",C,"):" @ 9 15 say "1. 2400 AUTO" @ 10 15 say "2. 1200 FIXED" @ 11 15 say "3. 2400 FIXED" @ 15 1 say "Enter selection (or 0 to return to main menu):" LABEL ASKBPS @ 15 48 say " " @ 15 48 input if value=1 %b=2400;B="24";%n=2;GOTO SETPHONE if value=2 %b=1200;B="12";%n=0;GOTO SETPHONE if value=3 %b=2400;B="24";%n=0;GOTO SETPHONE .. if bad answer, ring bell and get another answer bell 1 GOTO ASKBPS .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LABEL SETPHONE cls if %g=0 %a=%f;GOTO SETNUMB box 5 5 12 50 @ 7 10 say "Area Codes for PCP City Code ",C @ 9 15 say "1. main area code: ",%f @ 10 15 say "2. alternate area code: ",%g @ 14 10 say "Area code selection: " LABEL ASKAREA @ 14 32 say " " @ 14 32 input if value=1 %a=%f;%h=0;GOTO SETNUMB if value=2 %a=%g;GOTO SETNUMB .. if invalid response, ring bell and ask again bell 1 GOTO ASKAREA LABEL SETNUMB cls say "/n/nArea code is ",%a say "/n/nEnter phone number (###-####): " accept E,8 if %a=%g E="{F}-{E}";. prefix the area code to the number if %h>0 E="1-{E}";. if required, prefix "1-" to number say "/nEnter system name (optional): " accept F %d=%c;GOSUB CITYNAME label MAKECALL say "/n/nReady to place the following call:/n" say "/n System Name: ",F say "/n City: ",A say "/n PCP City Code: ",C say "/n Data Rate: ",%b if %n>0 say " AUTO" say "/n Area Code: ",%a say "/n Phone Number: ",E say "/n/nData Correct (Y//n)? " accept A,1 comp ".{A}" ".";if value=1 GOTO MAKECALL1 comp A "Y";if value=1 GOTO MAKECALL1 GOTO SETCITY;. start over again LABEL MAKECALL1 D=C;. set PCP city code READ PCPCALL;. chain to PCPCALL script