10 OPTION RUN 20 PRINT"This program converts ASCII files into .COM files. If your ASCII file was created 30 PRINT"by saving a LOCOSCRIPT file (Modes Menu, f7 or f1 from the Disc Management Screen) 40 PRINT"then you are advised to use a PAGE IMAGE FILE. On this disc is a program called 50 PRINT"SCREEN.BAS which is ideal for creating screens for use by this program.":PRINT 60 PRINT"You will only be asked in using this program for the new filename, and the ASCII 70 PRINT"filename - the latter being the name of the existing file.":PRINT 80 PRINT"If the filename ends in the letters .SCR then it will be treated differently to 90 PRINT"ensure proper layout. If the layout of a completed file is not correct you may like 100 PRINT"to try renaming the file to have the filetype .SCR":PRINT 101 PRINT"Please note that your file may contain any characters except for the dollar sign, $, 102 PRINT"which will be misunderstood.":PRINT 110 PRINT"Press [STOP] to stop, any other key will run the program 120 IF INPUT$(1)=CHR$(3) THEN GOTO 2070 2000 FILES:PRINT:PRINT:OPTION STOP 2010 INPUT "New filename? ",a$:INPUT "Ascii filename? ",b$ 2020 IF INSTR(UPPER$(a$),".COM")=0 THEN a$=a$+".COM" 2030 OPEN "O",1,a$:OPEN "i",2,b$ 2040 PRINT #1,CHR$(14);CHR$(9);CHR$(17);CHR$(9);CHR$(1);CHR$(205);CHR$(5);CHR$(0);CHR$(201); 2045 IF INSTR(UPPER$(b$),".SCR")<>0 THEN WHILE NOT EOF(2):LINE INPUT #2,m$:PRINT #1,m$;:WEND:GOTO 2060 2050 WHILE NOT EOF(2):LINE INPUT #2,m$:PRINT #1,m$:WEND 2060 PRINT #1,"$";:CLOSE 1,2 2070 IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN