10 DIM a$(30):PRINT CHR$(27);"y";CHR$(27);"0";CHR$(27);"1" 14 PRINT CHR$(27)"H":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:FOR a=1 TO 21:READ zzz$:PRINT SPC(15-(LEN(zzz$)/2));zzz$:NEXT 15 DATA "Use up and down arrow","keys to select the option","you require and then","[ENTER] or any other","key to confirm",,,"Programs by Keith M. Simons.","(C) 1990","Latest Versions at 7.26pm","21st February, 1990",,,"Initial Distributor:", 16 DATA "PCW World,","Cotswold House","7 Deeley Close,","Cradley Heath,","Warley, West Mids.","B64 7NF" 20 OPTION RUN:READ x,y,n,w:FOR a=1 TO n:READ a$(a):NEXT:DATA 40,11,10,42,Read the program manual,Return to BASIC,Return to CP/M (Finish Using),Use the original Version One Programs 30 GOSUB 70 40 IF z>4 THEN SAVE "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE IF FIND$("M:$$$$$$$$.&&&")<>"" THEN ERA M:$$$$$$$$.&&& 50 PRINT x$"YA ":FOR a=1 TO 33:PRINT:NEXT 60 ON z GOTO 205,210,220,225,230,240,250,260,270,280 70 'ENTER with x & y of start;n for number of options, options in a$(), w is width of options. Answer is z 80 z=1:x$=CHR$(27):WIDTH 255:PRINT x$"f"; 90 FOR a=1 TO n:a$(a)=" "+LEFT$(a$(a)+SPACE$(w-2),w-2):NEXT 100 FOR a=1 TO n:IF a=1 THEN yy=y:y=y+1:z$=x$+"p†"+STRING$(w,"Š")+"Œ"+x$+"q":'ELSE yy=y-2+(a*2):z$=""+STRING$(w,"")+"" 110 GOSUB 160:yy=y-1+(a):IF a<>z THEN z$=x$+"p…"+a$(a)+"…"+x$+"q":ELSE z$=x$+"p…"+x$+"q"+a$(a)+x$+"p"+"…"+x$+"q" 120 GOSUB 160:NEXT:yy=y-2+(a):yy=yy+1:z$=x$+"pƒ"+STRING$(w,"Š")+"‰"+x$+"q":GOSUB 160 130 z$=INPUT$(1):IF z$=CHR$(31) THEN z$=x$+"p…"+a$(z)+x$+"q":yy=y-1+(z):GOSUB 160:z=MAX(z-1,1):z$=x$+"p…"+x$+"q"+a$(z):yy=y-1+(z):GOSUB 160:GOTO 130 140 IF z$=CHR$(30) THEN z$=x$+"p…"+a$(z)+x$+"q":yy=y-1+(z):GOSUB 160:z=MIN(z+1,n):z$=x$+"p…"+x$+"q"+a$(z):yy=y-1+(z):GOSUB 160:GOTO 130 150 PRINT x$"e":RETURN 160 PRINT x$+"Y"+CHR$(32+yy)+CHR$(32+x)+z$;:RETURN 170 OPEN "i",1,fff$:WHILE NOT EOF(1) 180 FOR c=1 TO 30:IF EOF(1) THEN 200:ELSE LINE INPUT #1,z$:PRINT z$:NEXT 190 PRINT SPC(20)"Press [ENTER] to continue or [STOP] to abandon";:z$=INPUT$(1):IF z$=CHR$(3) THEN 200 ELSE PRINT:WEND 200 PRINT:CLOSE 1:PRINT"Press any key to continue.":Z$=INPUT$(1):RUN 205 fff$="MANUAL.2":GOTO 170 210 END 220 SYSTEM 225 PRINT "Please turn the disc over then press any key.":z$=INPUT$(1):RESET:IF FIND$("CHOICE.BAS")="" THEN PRINT "Is this the right disc?":GOTO 225:ELSE RUN "choice" 230 PRINT"Manual is several pages long (use A4), and types in 12 pitch. Press 'Y' to continue":PRINT"or any other key to stop":IF UPPER$(INPUT$(1))<>"Y" THEN RUN ELSE WIDTH LPRINT 255:LPRINT CHR$(27);"M"; 235 OPEN "i",1,"MANUAL.2":WHILE NOT EOF(1):LINE INPUT #1,z$:LPRINT z$:WEND:CLOSE:RUN:DATA Print the manual 240 fff$="TYPESET.DOC":GOTO 170:DATA Read the TypeSet and FontEdit manual 250 RUN "TYPESET":DATA TYPESET - high quality text printer 260 RUN "FONTEDIT":DATA FONTEDIT - font designer for TypeSet 270 fff$="WORDC.DOC":GOTO 170:DATA Read WORDC.DOC - word counter manual 280 fff$="COPYFT.DOC":GOTO 170:DATA Read COPYFT.DOC - file copier manual :GOTO 170:DATA Read WORDC.DOC - word counter manual 280 fff$="COPYFT.DOC":GOTO 170:DATA Rea