5 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 10 PRINT"This is a memory test game, such as is played on the TV program, The Krypton Factor. 20 PRINT"It is believed that regularly playing games of this nature may have the effect of 30 PRINT"improving the memory, and thus this game will operate to assist you in your day to 40 PRINT"day living as you exercise your memory. You may well notice its effects in the form 50 PRINT"of remembering names, phone numbers and addresses far more easily.":PRINT 60 PRINT"Yet don't take it too seriously. Above all, it's great fun!":PRINT 70 PRINT"You will shortly be asked to input a figure in tenths of a second. We suggest you 80 PRINT"begin with 20 and then adjust this to more or less as you find yourself able to 90 PRINT"remember. This gives you just one and a half seconds to remember a letter.":PRINT 100 PRINT"On pressing [RETURN] a single letter will briefly appear in the top left-hand 110 PRINT"corner of the screen. After your chosen time has expired, you will be asked to type 120 PRINT"in the letter(s) you have seen, followed by [RETURN] or [ENTER]. If you get it right, 130 PRINT"you will be given group of letters immediately - which will be the same as before 140 PRINT"time with another new letter in front. When time's up, you have to type in this new 150 PRINT"phrase (all characters). If you get it wrong, you're given a score and invited 160 PRINT"to play again. The score isn't of much importance - just for competative playing. 170 PRINT"The important things are the number of characters you could memorize, and how many 180 PRINT"seconds you took.":PRINT 190 PRINT"Also on this disc is a version of this game using numbers in place of letters.":PRINT:PRINT 1000 PRINT "Press the SPACE bar to play, any other key to stop.":FOR a%=-32000 TO 32000:m$=INKEY$:IF m$="" THEN NEXT:ELSE IF m$<>" " THEN 25000: ELSE RANDOMIZE a% 1010 score=0:cl$=CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H":PRINT cl$ 1020 d$="":INPUT "How many tenths of a second would you like to look for? ",a:a=a/10 1030 d$=CHR$((RND*25)+65)+d$ 1040 PRINT cl$;CHR$(27)"f";d$ 1050 w!=0:WHILE 4.4*w!"" THEN OPTION STOP:PRINT "[Press any key to return to main menu or press (STOP) to stop]":z$=INPUT$(1):RUN "M:$$$$$$$$.&&&":ELSE END OPTION STOP:PRINT "