E pY <†ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŒY!<…WELCOME…Y"<ƒŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ‰qY%0pto this collection of programs, supplied by Keith M. Simons.qY' –ššššššššššššœY( •Please note:•Y) “šššššššššššš™Y*#Copyright is reserved over all these programs. They may however be copied forY+#non profit making use only.Y- –ššššššššššššššššššššœY. •To begin using them:•Y/ “šššššššššššššššššššš™Y0#They all work from MALLARD BASIC, that is, the BASIC supplied with the PCW. StartY1#by "booting" CP/M. Then type BASIC and press the (RETURN) key. Put in this disc,Y2#and type DIR then (RETURN) to see what is on it. You can use any of the programsY3#with filenames ending in .BAS by just typing RUN filename (RETURN) where the file Y4#you want to use is called FILENAME.BAS . I suggest you begin by typing RUN "CHOICE"Y5#then (RETURN), when you will be able to use many of the programs in the same wayY6#as LOCOSCRIPT, by using "menus". Go down to the option you want with the cursorY7#keys then press (ENTER).Y3T"CHOICE" Y4=CHOICE Y9 –šššššššššššššššššššœY: •So remember... type•Y; “ššššššššššššššššššš™Y:7BASICY;7RUN "CHOICE"Y:IpRETURNqY;IpRETURNqY;7RESET Y<7RUN "CHOICE"YUƒŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ‰Y