FILE DISC.CAT The files listed below must all be present on this disc in order to use the course properly. Of course, if you are using a PCW8512 the files can all be put on one disc in the B drive, in which case only one copy of TUTOR.BAS and INDEX.ASC will be needed. Use DIR to check your disc. SIDE A ====== TUTOR.BAS Master holding program in MALLARD INTRO.BAS Basic program for INTRO INTRO.A Text file - Introduces the course INTRO.B Text file - Line numbers and command lines INTRO.C Text file - Operating modes INTRO.D Text file - Simple editing INTRO.E Text file - Some important keywords INTRO.F Text file - Using the printer INTRO.G Text file - Syntax INTRO.H Text file - The BASIC keyboard INTRO.I Text file - Summing up this section (INTRO) INTRO.J Text file - Introduces some light relief PRIMER.BAS Basic program for PRIMER PRIMER.A Text file - Screen display PRIMER.B Text file - Mathematics PRIMER.C Text file - Variables PRIMER.D Text file - Loops PRIMER.E Text file - Input from the keyboard PRIMER.F Text file - Strings PRIMER.G Text file - Control codes README.ASC Text file - How to start the course README.LOC LOCO file - How to start the course INDEX.ASC Text file - INDEX for keywords SIDE B ====== TUTOR.BAS Master holding program in MALLARD INTMENU.BAS Opening menu for INTER INTER1.BAS 1st Basic program for INTER INTER2.BAS 2nd Basic program for INTER INTER.A Text file - General commands INTER.B Text file - Further mathematics INTER.C Text file - String manipulation INTER.D Text file - More on variables INTER.E Text file - Further work on loops INTER.F Text file - Tables and arrays INTER.G Text file - Codes INTER.H Text file - Jumps and subroutines INTER.I Text file - Using the printer from Basic INTER.J Text file - Combining files CHAINDEM.BAS Basic program; demo for combining files NEWPROG.BAS Basic program; works with CHAINDEM.BAS INDEX.ASC Text file - INDEX for keywords  NEWPROG.BAS Basic program; works with CHAINDEM.BAS INDEX.ASC Text file - INDEX for keyw