1 GOTO 4 2 PRINT " SAVEing DEFINT.BAS" : SAVE "DEFINT",A 3 STOP 4 REM 10 PRINT CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 20 ON ERROR GOTO 500 100 DEFINT a-g : DEFSNG h-n: DEFDBL p-s: DEFSTR t-z 110 PRINT " DEFINT a-g : DEFSNG h-n: DEFDBL p-s" 120 PRINT "Example ... How the same number is represented by types of variable " 130 PRINT: PRINT "Type in a number with 2 digits and 4 decimal places e,g 12.8631,then press [RETURN] 140 INPUT "INPUT number ", number 150 a=number :h=number: p=number 160 PRINT "DEFINT","DEFSNG","DEFDBL" 170 PRINT a,h,p 180 PRINT "Note how the double precision holds up to 16 significant figures. Note also the discrepancy between it and the number you typed. This is because decimal numbers are not represented exactly in binary notation 190 PRINT:INPUT "Would you like to try another number? y/n ", z 200 IF z="y" OR z="Y" THEN PRINT "O.K, vary the decimal position ":GOTO 140 210 IF z="n" OR z="N" THEN PRINT " Continuing to DEFSTR":GOTO 230 220 PRINT "Please type y or n ": GOTO 190 230 PRINT "press any key to continue. ":WHILE INKEY$="": WEND 240 PRINT CHR$(27)+"E"+CHR$(27)+"H" 250 PRINT:PRINT "DEFSTR t-z" 260 PRINT: PRINT "Example ... How a string may be represented by a letter without a $ suffix" 270 PRINT "by using the DEFSTR command" 280 t="Jack " 290 u="went " 300 V="Jill " 310 W="hill " 320 x="up " 330 y="and " 340 z="the " 345 PRINT:PRINT" The letters t to z have been assigned to words. Note that upper and lower case is interchangeable" 350 PRINT "t+Y+v+U+X+z+w = " t+Y+v+U+X+z+w 360 PRINT:PRINT" To understand this program fully you should read file INTER.D " 370 PRINT " Next LIST or LLIST this program to see what makes it tick... and finally" 380 PRINT " RUN the program to activate the DEFINT etc.commands then try writing lines" 390 PRINT " in Direct Mode to check things out for yourself e.g B=Henry(This won't work)" 400 PRINT " My deliberate double mistake! Cheerio, enjoy yourself" 490 END 500 PRINT "OVERFLOW ERROR - try a smaller number":GOTO 140  My deliberate double mistake! Cheerio, enjoy yourself" 490 END 500 PRINT "OVERFLOW ERROR - try a smaller numbe