#include names #input mac_date,,Please enter the date #input mac_title,,Enter title (sir,madam etc.) Robinson's Hairdresser, 41 High Street, Limeswold. mac_name mac_add1 mac_add2 mac_add3 mac_add4 mac_add5 Dear mac_title, be t infor yo tha hav arrange t carr o busines a hairdresse a th abov addres an shal requir for tim t tim t mak addition t m stock a prepare t pa cas fo th firs fe purchase and a th account i thi neighbourhoo ar quarterly mee furthe engagment b chequ a th appropriat time. A hav ever confidenc i you fir shal b gla t giv yo m preferenc i a place o th sam footin a you othe customers bot a regard mone matter an th promp respons t orders Wit vie t openin u correspondence ma refe yo t Messrs Frank o Marchenter wh wil giv yo every satisfaction as regards my financial position. Yours faithfully, Chris Robinson.