words over five letters long e.g. VOCABULARY becomes VOCAB etc. It doesn't make any odds whether you type things in upper or lower-case letters, its all the one. Now a more detailed look at some words and phrases :- L, LOOK, EXAMI, these will redescribe your present location for you if used on their own. If you used them with a noun, LOOK (at the) CAT for example, you would be given a descrip -tion of the CAT or whatever object you were LOOKing at. RAMSAVE will save your position in the game into the computer's memory and lets say you wanted to return to a that part of the game later on you would type RAMLOAD. Only one position can be saved at a time like this, better by far is the SAVE/LOAD command which will save your position to a disk file for which you will be asked a name. Using this you can save as many positions as you wish and return to these at any time in the game. There is a fullish list of the words you can use within the game itself, when playing just type VOCAB and press and they will be listed but here also are some of them which may help you get started. GET e.g. GET THE SWORD. HIT e.g. HIT THE GOBLIN WITH THE SWORD. also are some of them which may help you get started.