Window Management Services Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 1984 Timothy E. Ide --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage and that the copyright notice appears on each copy. To copy otherwise or to republish requires a fee and/or specific permission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window Management Services are a group of routines for terminal screen management for use with Turbo Pascal Version 2.0. Although originally developed on and for a Kaypro II, they should work on any system on which Turbo Pascal can be properly installed. The services include the following functions: wi_open - create window wi_close - delete window wi_insln - insert line wi_delln - delete line wi_clreol - clear to end of line wi_clear - clear window wi_home - set position to home wi_border - set window border wi_setpos - set position wi_getpos - get position wi_setorg - set origin wi_getorg - get origin wi_put - store character string wi_putln - store character string wi_get - retrieve character string wi_getln - retrieve character string wi_write - write character string through window wi_writeln - write character string through window wi_read - read character string through window wi_readln - read character string through window wi_show - display window on screen wi_erase - erase window area on screen In addition to a User's Guide and a help file, a demonstration program is included that supports interactive experimentation with the services. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This library contains the following files: CONTENTS.TXT - This file DEMO.PAS } DEMO1.PAS } - Demonstration program Turbo Pascal source files DEMO2.PAS } WINDOW.DOC - Window Management Services User's Guide (70+ pages) WINDOW.PAS - Window Management Services Turbo Pascal source file WINDOW.HLP - Window Management Services documentation help file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ This library contains