====================================================================== WORDPROCESSING:INDEXER ====================================================================== EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS expect your manuscript to be carefully presented - clear and crisp text, lines double spaced with large side margins giving a clean copy - and they are more likely to evaluate the result of your labours. I'm told that, where appropriate, an Indexed manuscript separates the triers from the Professionals on that Publishers desktop which is your 'shop window'. Certainly the better your manuscript is presented, the better chance you will have in getting it evaluated. If you can index your own text you will be well on the way to getting your work to stand out in front of the rest and demand that Publishers attention. INDEXER from Comma Consultants is just such a program. INDEXER works with ASCII files - as created by LocoScript 1's f7 and LocoScript 2's f1 and most other good word processors - to quickly index your chosen file. INDEXER comes ready to use, with the CP/M operating system already installed on the disk (special permission has been obtained from Digital Research to do so) thus saving the user the trouble of copying files before starting. INDEXER Version 2.0 runs from the A: drive of the 8000 machines however, until the PCW9512 version is ready INDEXER can not be used as a self starting disk on that machine. It can be used on a PCW9512 by simply entering 'INDEX' at the A> prompt of CP/M. Before the days of 'electronic wizardry' an index was laboriously built up by recording each significant occurrence of a keyword on its own record card. This means proof reading the manuscript to accurately fillet out each significant word, record its page location on the index card, then finally compile the index. No easy task, especially on a large text. If subsequent revisions are made to the manuscript the whole task must be redone. When creating an index INDEXER makes an ASCII file ready to be 'inserted' into a LocoScript document. The finished Index is sorted alphabetically with each occurrence of a word listed in ascending page order, each page separated by a comma. Very large manuscripts that are split into separate files may be individually 'INDEXED' and the resulting index files may be later MERGED into one index covering the whole document. When choosing which keywords make up your index you may be as selective as you wish by being able to limit the smallest word size and whether phrases (strings of words all beginning with a capital letter) should be included or not. The ability to either preserve case or not is provided. This is useful if you don't want duplications for entries such as INDEXER and Indexer, for example. There are very likely to be exceptions to these options that you would like to change. INDEXER comes with a file of special words - ready for you to use, edit or amend to suit your own requirements - that automatically excludes those words that are not required in the Index and includes any special words that must be included. You probably won't want ordinary words in your index but keywords relating to the subject context would need to be included. Creating a new special words list (used for excluding common words from your index) would be a formidable task if it were not for the option of 'Create list from an Index'. Here INDEXER takes an ASCII file and makes, as usual, an index file but this time gives the output a file name of INDEXWRD. This file may be Edited to remove or add words and an INDEXWRD file may be Merged with another. Many sorting type programs 'go dead' when at work, this is not so with INDEXER, you have a continuous screen display that shows how the sort is progressing. All in all a very useful, time saving program to add that professional touch to your manuscript. For further information contact: COMMA CONSULTANTS LTD., 12 Station Road, Wooton Bassett, Wilts. SN4 7DZ Telephone (0793) 852497