PROGRAM all_simple_variable_types; VAR a,b : INTEGER; c,d : BYTE; dog_tail : REAL; puppy : BOOLEAN; animal_cookies : CHAR; BEGIN a := 4; b := 5; c := 212; d := c + 3; dog_tail := 345.12456; puppy := b > a; (* since b is greater than a, puppy will be assigned the value TRUE *) animal_cookies := 'R'; (* this is a single character *) WRITELN('The integers are',a:5,b:5); WRITELN('The bytes are', c:5,d:5); (* notice that the spaces prior to the c will be ignored on output *) WRITELN('The real value is',dog_tail:12:2,dog_tail:12:4); WRITELN; WRITELN('The boolean value is ',puppy,puppy:13); WRITELN('The char variable is an ',animal_cookies); END.