PROGRAM find_all_lower_case_characters; CONST string_size = 30; TYPE low_set = SET OF 'a'..'z'; VAR data_set : low_set; storage : STRING[string_size]; index : 1..string_size; print_group : STRING[26]; BEGIN (* main program *) data_set := []; print_group := ''; storage := 'This is a SET test.'; FOR index := 1 TO length(storage) DO BEGIN IF storage[index] IN ['a'..'z'] THEN BEGIN IF storage[index] IN data_set THEN WRITELN(index:4,' ',storage[index], ' is already in the set') ELSE BEGIN data_set := data_set + [storage[index]]; print_group := print_group + storage[index]; WRITELN(index:4,' ',storage[index], ' added to group, complete group = ', print_group); END; END ELSE WRITELN(index:4,' ',storage[index], ' is not a lower case letter'); END; END. (* of main program *)