PROGRAM real_math_demo; VAR a,b,c,d : REAL; BEGIN a := 3.234; {simply assigning a value} b := a + 1.101; {adding a constant} c := a + b; {summing two variables} d := 4.234*a*b; {multiplication} d := 2.3/b; {division} d := a - b; {subtraction} d := (a + b)/(12.56-b); {example of a multiple expression} {Pascal has no expression for raising a number to a power. It must be done with the log and exp functions} {The trigonometric functions, log functions and others are available as predefined routines. See pages 139 to 141 of the TURBO reference manual for a complete list} { It will be left up to you to print out some of the above values} END.