PROGRAM get_time_and_date; VAR year,month,day : INTEGER; hour,minute,second : INTEGER; (* The following procedure can be included in any MSDOS/PCDOS program to get the present date and time. The present date and time can then be printed on your output to automatically time and date your output listings. Note that this is a TURBO Pascal extension and will probably not work with other Pascal compilers. This program uses some very advanced programming techniques requiring knowledge of some of the details of the DOS system. Don't worry if you don't understand all of this. *) PROCEDURE time_and_date(VAR year,month,day,hour,min,sec : integer); TYPE reg_definitions = RECORD AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,FLAGS : INTEGER; END; VAR registers : reg_definitions; BEGIN registers.AX := $2A SHL 8; (* get todays date *) msdos(registers); year :=; day := registers.dx MOD 256; month := registers.dx SHR 8; registers.AX := $2C SHL 8; (* get the time *) msdos(registers); hour := SHR 8; min := MOD 256; sec := registers.dx SHR 8; END; BEGIN time_and_date(year,month,day,hour,minute,second); WRITELN('The date is ',month:2,'/',day:2,'/',year); WRITELN('The time is ',hour:2,':',minute:2,':',second:2); END.