/* FILENAME FUNCTION DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTION DEFIN.C -----------> Text file - definition only - this file VC.C main() primarily a menu readline() read an input line from the keyboard parse() parse the input line errout() output error message to display DATA.C initdata() initialize data and fields getnames() get new variable names calcdata() do the calculations calcdat() do the four function calculations getnum() get the value of the number getop() get the math operator errchk() check for error storage FILE.C fileout() store transcript to a file filein() retrieve transcript from a file strtrans() store a transcript message transout() display the current transcript movarrow() move the arrow up or down VIDEO.C monitor() determine type of monitor bkgndvid() display video background valusvid() display all values disnew() display the new changed variable helpm() display mathematics help messages helps() display system help messages linedisp() display a line to video (with attr) strngdis() display a line (add attr) blnkline() outputs blanks to a video line chardis() display a single character errdis() display error message to screen clrscrn() clear the video monitor poscurs() position the cursor on the monitor prtprblm() printer problem check */ /* Prototype definitions for all functions */ void readline(void); void parse(void); void errout(void); void initdata(struct vars *pnt); void getnames(void); void calcdata(double *newval); void calcdat(double *number1,char *op1,double *number2); double getnum(void); char getop(void); void errchk(int err); void fileout(void); void filein(void); void strtrans(char line[],int type); void transout(void); void movarrow(int where); void monitor(void); void bkgndvid(void); void valusvid(void); void disnew(int varinuse); void helpm(void); void helps(void); void linedisp(int line); void strngdis(int row,int col,int attr); void blnkline(int row,int col); void chardis(int row,int col,int attr,int ch); void errdis(char str[]); void clrscrn(void); void poscurs(int row,int col); int prtprblm(void);