/* Chapter 13 - Program 1 */ #include "STDIO.H" #include "ctype.h" /* Note - your compiler may not need this */ main() { FILE *fp; char line[80], filename[24]; char *c; printf("Enter filename -> "); scanf("%s",filename); fp = fopen(filename,"r"); do { c = fgets(line,80,fp); /* get a line of text */ if (c != NULL) { mix_up_the_chars(line); } } while (c != NULL); fclose(fp); } mix_up_the_chars(line) /* this function turns all upper case characters into lower case, and all lower case to upper case. It ignores all other characters. */ char line[]; { int index; for (index = 0;line[index] != 0;index++) { if (isupper(line[index])) /* 1 if upper case */ line[index] = tolower(line[index]); else { if (islower(line[index])) /* 1 if lower case */ line[index] = toupper(line[index]); } } printf("%s",line); }