f Utility to modify Microsoft SMARTDRIVE.EXE 5.0 to cache CorelCDX. Version 1.2 (C)1993 Corel Corporation $File read error $File write error $File Not Found $- incorrect version. Press Ctrl-C to abort or ... $Patch installed successfully. The original SMARTDRV.EXE saved in file SMARTDRV.MSC. Make sure that CorelCDX will be loaded before SMARTDRV and reboot the system. Disable XMS cache in CorelCDX to free the extended memory. $Ready to patch $... Press any key to proceed...$Please enter the full path\name (e.g. C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE) ---> $уuo&=DNtau&M&=&E tq/&G 2`$&G&GD&G]%&O&G]%&O&G 2$&G&G D&G%&O &G &G 2&)w޸ /Vǘ¾%)ƿ]%π QR/ZYr`$Ӊ?G$Ӊ7G^^r !ERROR: CorelCDX not cached! $&MSuE& CDu=& E1۸/!  !@ !< tz&&> u&,333&=t땃}uW.P _ts&FG<u $jdb=!scعغ*?!Ȝ>!sEYru?tハi;W_t;uw]&a\ W_tuCw\EYDED7EFDAE$D$󤾟 u߾ Gt <.uMSCD$RLF !;A!V!r-3ɴ! !ús +ρ*uVWQOY_^t3O